各种植物花草英语,各种植物花草英语怎么说 2024-12-24 18:08:39 0 0 花草树木的英文形容词? 高大的Tall. 茂盛的Lush. 漂亮的Beautiful. 魁梧的Burly. 绿色的green. 芬芳的Fragrant. 用英语描述植物的种类? Plants can be grouped into the following categories: Angiosperms or Flowering plants: These are the most familiar plants and make up the largest group. They produce flowers and fruit, and include trees, shrubs, herbs, and vegetables. This is a basic classification system used by botanists to group plants based on their shared characteristics. Plant classification is a complex and ongoing process, and new groups and categories may be added as scientists discover new information about plant进化 and diversity. 收藏(0)